Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids (Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids)
Overview of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids
Peritoneal Dialysis Fluidsused in dialysis procedures, which are used as a part of renal replacement therapy in renal fialure to correct electrolye imbalance, correct fluid overload and remove metabolite.
Indication of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids
Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids is primarily indicated in conditions like Hypothermia, Pancreatitis, Poisoning, Renal failure.
Contraindication of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids
Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids is contraindicated in conditions like Respiratory disease.
Side Effects of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids
The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids, which give rise to further complications include Hyperglycemia, Hyperproteinemia, Hyperlipidemia.,Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Hypokalemia, Hypovolemia, Hypernatremia. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids therapy.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Pain, Bleeding, Peritonitis, Catheter blockage, Ileus.
Precautions of Peritoneal Dialysis Fluids
Peritoneal dialysis should be done with great care, if at all, in patients with a number of abdominal conditions including disruption of the peritoneal membrane or diaphragm by surgery or trauma, extensive adhesions, bowel distention, undiagnosed abdominal disease, abdominal wall infection, hernias or burns, fecal fistula or colostomy, tense ascites, obesity, and large polycystic kidneys. An accurate fluid balance record must be kept and the weight of the patient carefully monitored to avoid over or under hydration with severe consequences including congestive heart failure, volume depletion, and shock. In acute renal failure patients, plasma electrolyte concentrations should be monitored periodically during the procedure.