Detail Drug Information

Anastrazole (Anastrazole)

Overview of Anastrazole

Anastrozole is antineoplastic agent, also called as anticancerous drug. Anastrozole is a new selective non-steroidal inhibitor of aromatase. Anastrozole is effective in the treatment of post-menopausal breast cancer in women to slow or stop the growth of abnormal cells, which is not responsive to tamoxifen.

Indication of Anastrazole

Anastrazole is primarily indicated in conditions like Breast cancer, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Advanced breast cancer in postmenopausal women.

Contraindication of Anastrazole

No data regarding the contra indications of Anastrazole is available.

Side Effects of Anastrazole

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Anastrazole, which give rise to further complications include Thrombophlebitis, Leucopenia.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Anastrazole are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Headache, Nausea, Vomiting, Anorexia, Diarrhea, Rashes, Asthenia, Arthralgia, Vaginal dryness, Hair thinning.

Precautions of Anastrazole

Anastrozole should be used with caution in patients with any illness (especially liver diseases) or any allergy. It is classified as pregnancy category D. Use of this medication is not recommended during pregnancy or lactation and in premenopausal womens. This medication is not recommended for use in children.