Trimetaphan (Camsylate) (Trimetaphan (Camsylate))
Overview of Trimetaphan (Camsylate)
Trimethaphan is a sulfonium competitive nicotinic ganglionic blocking agent with direct vasodilator action. It has a very short duration of action. Trimetaphan (Camsylate) is used as an antihypertensive to produce controlled hypotension during surgery and for the emergency treatment of hypertensive crisis and pulmonary edema due to hypertension. Historically drugs that block stimulation of post-ganglionic autonomic neurons by acetylcholine were among the first agents used in the treatment of hypertension. Most such drugs are no longer available clinically because of intolerable toxicities related to their primary action. Until recently, trimethaphan was still used to treat hypertension. However, in 1996 it was withdrawn from the market. Trimetaphan (Camsylate) is administered by intravenous infusion.
Indication of Trimetaphan (Camsylate)
Trimetaphan (Camsylate) is primarily indicated in conditions like Hypertension, Hypertensive emergencies, Induce hypotension, Myocardial infarction, Prophylaxis of NSAID-induced duodenal ulcer, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Surgery.
Contraindication of Trimetaphan (Camsylate)
Trimetaphan (Camsylate) is contraindicated in conditions like Addison's disease,Pyloric disease,Arteriosclerosis.
Side Effects of Trimetaphan (Camsylate)
The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Trimetaphan (Camsylate), which give rise to further complications include Asthma.,Trimetaphan (Camsylate) produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Respiratory arrest. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Trimetaphan (Camsylate) therapy.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Trimetaphan (Camsylate) include Tachycardia.
Precautions of Trimetaphan (Camsylate)
Trimetaphan should be used with great caution in elderly patients, in children or in allergic individuals. Monitor respiratory status closely.