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Nicotinic Acid (Nicotinic Acid)

Overview of Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic Acid is a pyridine-3-carboxylic acid. It has identical propeties as vitamin. Nicotinic Acid is also called as a vitamin B7. In 1867 nicotic acid was synthesized by the oxidation of nicotine with nitric acid. Nicotinic Acid is involved in tissue respiration, energy production for the body and fat metabolism. It has relaxant effect on blood vessels. Nicotinic Acid is used to treat reduced peripheral circulation. It lowers the blood cholesterol and fat levels. Deficiency causes pellegra, with dermatitis, diarrhea, and dementia. The sources are poultry, meats, fish, potatoes, legumes and some green leafy vegetables.

Indication of Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic Acid is primarily indicated in conditions like Hypercholesterolaemia, Hyperlipidemia, Hypertriglyceridaemia, Pellagra, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Acne.

Contraindication of Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic Acid is contraindicated in conditions like Diabetes mellitus,Gout,Peptic ulcer.

Side Effects of Nicotinic Acid

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Nicotinic Acid, which give rise to further complications include Urticaria, Jaundice, Jaundice, Hyperuricemia, Cramps, Myalgia, Blurred vision, Acanthosis nigricans, Ichthyosis, Toxic amblyopia, Atrial arrhythmias, Elevated serum aspartate transaminase, Elevated serum creatine kinase.,Nicotinic Acid produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Hepatitis, Hepatic failure, Hepatic fibrosis. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Nicotinic Acid therapy.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Nicotinic Acid include Flushing, Headache, Pruritus.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Nicotinic Acid are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Vomiting, Diarrhea, Gastric irritation, Hypotension, Flushing, Faintness, Bloating, faintness, Hypotension.

Precautions of Nicotinic Acid

Nicotinic acid should be used with caution in patient predisposed to gout because of the elevation of uric acid level. Closely observed patient with gallbladder disease, history of jaundice, liver disease, peptic ulcer, arterial bleeding, glaucoma & diabetic patient for decreased glucose tolerance. Some products contain tartarazine, which causes allergic reaction (including bronchial asthma) in susceptible individuals specially who have aspirin sensitivity. Sholud be given with caution in gouts diabetes mellitus.