Amethocaine (Amethocaine)
Overview of Amethocaine
Amethocaine is a local anaesthetic (agent that causes loss of sensation). Amethocaine is used topically in opthalmology.Tetracain is about four times as protest.
Indication of Amethocaine
Amethocaine is primarily indicated in conditions like Local anaesthesia, Local anaesthetic, Pruritus.
Contraindication of Amethocaine
Amethocaine is contraindicated in conditions like Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Side Effects of Amethocaine
The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Amethocaine, which give rise to further complications include Allergy.,Amethocaine produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Convulsions, Inebriation, Tingling, Tinnitus, Nystagmus, Nausea, Vomiting, Twitching, Nystagmus, Numbness of tongue. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Amethocaine therapy.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Amethocaine include Convulsions.
Precautions of Amethocaine
Amethocaine should not be applied to inflammed or highly vascular surface. It should not be used to provide anaesthesia for bronchoscopy or cystoscopy.Prolong application of anesthetic eye drops may damage the cornea.