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Isometheptene Mucate (Isometheptene Mucate)

Overview of Isometheptene Mucate

Isometheptene Mucate is an indirect-acting sympathomimetic. Due to its vasoconstricting properties, Isometheptene Mucate is used for the treatment of acute migraine attacks, usually in combination with other analgeics. Isometheptene Mucate is also used in the management of muscle spasm.

Indication of Isometheptene Mucate

Isometheptene Mucate is primarily indicated in conditions like Migraine, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Muscle spasm (acute).

Contraindication of Isometheptene Mucate

Isometheptene Mucate is contraindicated in conditions like Glucoma,Porphyria,Pregnancy,Breast feeding,Adjunct in treatment of opioid dependance,Pain management.

Side Effects of Isometheptene Mucate

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Isometheptene Mucate, which give rise to further complications include Porphyria.,Isometheptene Mucate produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Hepatotoxicity. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Isometheptene Mucate therapy.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Isometheptene Mucate are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Dizziness, Rashes, Blood dyscrasias, Circulatory disturbances, dizziness.

Precautions of Isometheptene Mucate

Isometheptene Mucate should be used with caution in cardiovascular disease, hepatic and renal impairment, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism.