Dronabinol (Dronabinol)
Overview of Dronabinol
Dronabinol is a synthetic oral preparation of tetrahydrocannibinol (delta-9-THC), one of 66 cannabinoids found in Cannabis sativa. The synthetic form shares all the characteristics of the naturally occurring compound and is capable of producing physical and psychological dependence. Dronabinol is an antiemetic and used for the relief of nausea and vomiting secondary to cancer chemotherapy in patients who have failed to respond to other antiemetics. It also is used as an appetite stimulant in the treatment of anorexiaassociated with weight loss in patients with cancer and AIDS. It was approved by the FDA in May 1985.
Indication of Dronabinol
Dronabinol is primarily indicated in conditions like Anorexia, Nausea and vomiting.
Contraindication of Dronabinol
Dronabinol is contraindicated in conditions like Hypersensitivity to the drug.
Side Effects of Dronabinol
The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Dronabinol are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Dizziness, Headache, Drowsiness, Irritability, Ataxia, Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Anxiety, Confusion, Hallucination, Dysphoria, Euphoria, Abdominal colic, Orthostatic hypotension, Xerostomia, Confusion, dizziness, Ataxia.
Precautions of Dronabinol
It should be used with caution in patients with cardiac disease because it can precipitate cardiacarrhythmias or angina, in patients with hypertension use with caution in pateint with sizures disorder. Patients with preexisting hypertension orhypotension can experience worsening of their condition if given dronabinol before their bloodpressure is corrected. Patients who are known to be substance abusers or have a history of substance abuse should be given with caution because of the potential for developing physical dependence. Elderly patients are generally more sensitive to the psychoactive effects of drugs and should be treated with caution. Because of its psychoactive potential, dronabinol is not recommended for use in children. It should be used with caution in the treatment of chmotherapy-induced emedidi in children. It is classified as pregnancy category B. Use with caution during pregnancy or lactation only if clearly needed. Pateints are worked not to drive, operate machinery or make judgement decisions.