Detail Drug Information

Isopropamide (I) (Isopropamide (I))

Overview of Isopropamide (I)

Isopropamide (I) is a quaternary ammonium antimuscarinic with peripheral effects similar to those of atropine. It has been used as an adjunct in the treatment of peptic ulcer disease, in the relief of gastro-intestinal and urinary tract disorders associated with smooth muscle spasm, in rhinitis, and the relief of symptoms of cold.

Indication of Isopropamide (I)

Isopropamide (I) is primarily indicated in conditions like Cold, Muscular spasm, Peptic ulcer, Rhinitis.

Contraindication of Isopropamide (I)

Isopropamide (I) is contraindicated in conditions like Hypersensitivity to any component of product.

Side Effects of Isopropamide (I)

The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Isopropamide (I) include Dryness of mouth, Dilated pupils, Dysphagia, Depression, Circulatory collapse, Rapid pulse & respiration.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Isopropamide (I) are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Hypersensitivity.

Precautions of Isopropamide (I)

Closely monitor patients for therapeutic response and side effects. Isopropamide iodide should not use in high dose because may produce mental depression and mental disturbances. It should be used with caution in patients over 40yrs. because may increase the risk of glaucoma. It should be used with caution in patients with asthma, heart or renal(kidney) diseases. It should be used with caution in infants and small children.