Ethylestrenol (Ethylestrenol)
Overview of Ethylestrenol
Ethylestrenol is a hormone. It used to treat wasting diseases and osteoporosis. italso used to antagonize certain catabolic effects of corticosteroid therapy.
Indication of Ethylestrenol
No data was found regarding the primary and secondary indications of Ethylestrenol
Contraindication of Ethylestrenol
Ethylestrenol is contraindicated in conditions like Prostatic cancer,Male breast carcinoma.
Side Effects of Ethylestrenol
The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Ethylestrenol are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Virilization.
Precautions of Ethylestrenol
It should be used with caution in cases of hypoglycemic manifestations, carbohydrate should be administered, in more serious cases which in rare cases involve loss of consciousness, it is necessary to give slow intravenous infusion of gluconate solution, when there are traumas, surgical operations, infection and/or febrile diseases, it may be necessary to resort temporarily to insulin treat in order to maintain an adequate metabolic control. The patients must be taught to recognizes the first symptoms of hypoglycemia in orders to be able to notify doctor in good time. The doctor must also be notified in case of febrile diseases or intercument digestive disorders, to use with beta blockers.