Detail Drug Information

Pramiverine Hcl (Pramiverine Hcl)

Overview of Pramiverine Hcl

Pramiverine Hcl used as an antispasmodic.

Indication of Pramiverine Hcl

Pramiverine Hcl is primarily indicated in conditions like Colic, GI motality disorder, Pain, Smooth muscle spasm.

Contraindication of Pramiverine Hcl

Pramiverine (HCl) is contraindicated in conditions like Glucoma,Urinary retention (adynamic bladder),Prostatic hypertrophy,Mega colon,Intestinal obstruction.

Side Effects of Pramiverine Hcl

No data regarding the side effects produced by Pramiverine (HCl) is available

Precautions of Pramiverine Hcl

No data regarding the Warnings/Precuations of Irinotecan (HCl Trihydrate) is available.