Detail Drug Information

Dimecrotic Acid (Dimecrotic Acid)

Overview of Dimecrotic Acid

itused in biliary dyskinesia , constipation , dyspepsia , hepatitis and hepato-digestive insufficiency.

Indication of Dimecrotic Acid

Dimecrotic Acid is primarily indicated in conditions like Biliary dyskinesia, Constipation, Dyspepsia, Hepatitis, Hepato-digestive insufficiency.

Contraindication of Dimecrotic Acid

No data regarding the contra indications of Dimecrotic Acid is available.

Side Effects of Dimecrotic Acid

No data regarding the side effects produced by Dimecrotic Acid is available

Precautions of Dimecrotic Acid

Dimecrotic acid should be used with caution in conditions, which might be aggravated by anticholinergic therapy (i.e.bronchial asthma, narrow angle glaucoma, cardiac arrhythmia etc.). Should not be given to pateint suffering from line malfunction