Carbamide Peroxide (Carbamide Peroxide)
Overview of Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide is used topically in the treatment of dry and scaly conditions of skin such as psoriasis, dermatitis etc. Carbamide Peroxide is also used as an osmotic diuretic in cerebral edema.
Indication of Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is primarily indicated in conditions like Inflammation of gums, Lips inflammation, Reduction in the duration of neutropenia following bone marrow transplantation, Stomatitis.
Contraindication of Carbamide Peroxide
Carbamide Peroxide is contraindicated in conditions like Perforation of eardrum,Ear pain.
Side Effects of Carbamide Peroxide
The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Carbamide Peroxide are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Irritation, Redness, Superinfection.
Precautions of Carbamide Peroxide
With prolong use of oral carbamide peroxide, there is a potential for over growth of opportunistic organisms, damage to periodontal tissues; delayed wound healing should not be used for longer than 7 days. Do not use the otic preparations if ear drainage or discharge, ear pain, irritation, or rash in ear, should not be used longer than 4 days.