Detail Drug Information

Camylofin (Camylofin)

Overview of Camylofin

Camylofin is used as an anti-spasmodic. It relieves abdominal pain and cramps.

Indication of Camylofin

Camylofin is primarily indicated in conditions like Angina, Biliary colic, Dysmenorrhoea, Migraine, Myocardial infarction, Pancreatitis, Renal colic, Spasticity.

Contraindication of Camylofin

Camylofin is contraindicated in conditions like Glucoma,Urinary retention (adynamic bladder),Mega colon,GI hemorrhage,Tachyarrythmia,Porphyria.

Side Effects of Camylofin

The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Camylofin are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Tachycardia, Dry mouth, Redness, Disturbances of accomodation, Glaucoma, Reduced sweating.

Precautions of Camylofin

It should be used with caution in elderly, in patients with urinary retention, prostatic enlargement, tachycardia, cardiac insufficiency, paralytic ileus, ulcerative colitis and pylonic stenosis, pregnancy and in breast feeding, May aggravate gastroesophageal reflux.