Detail Drug Information

Thioguanine (Thioguanine)

Overview of Thioguanine

Thioguanine is antineoplastic\anticancer drugs. Thioguanine is structural analogue of naturally occuring purine, guanine, both used by cells for DNA synrhesis. It belongs to a class of antimetabolite, with actions and uses similar to that of mercaptopurine. Antimetabolite are the compound that bear a structural similarity to a natutally occuring substance, such as vitamin, nucleoside or amino acid. Thioguanine is used chiefly in the treatment of lymphoblastic leukemia. Thioguanine is usually given in combination with other anticancer drugs to obtain better results and minimize side effects or toxicity. Thioguanine is administered orally. It was approved by FDA in 1966.

Indication of Thioguanine

Thioguanine is primarily indicated in conditions like Acute leukemia, Chronic myeloid leukaemia, Myeloblastic leukemia.

Contraindication of Thioguanine

No data regarding the contra indications of Thioguanine is available.

Side Effects of Thioguanine

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Thioguanine, which give rise to further complications include Thrombocytopenia, Hepatotoxicity, Leucopenia, GI symptoms, Prolongation of clotting time, Anaemia.,Thioguanine produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Bone marrow suppression. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Thioguanine therapy.

Precautions of Thioguanine

Thioguanine is not recommended for use in pregnant or nursing women. Contraceptive (birth control) measures are recommended for use in men or women while taking this medication.