Detail Drug Information

Suxamethonium Cl (Suxamethonium Cl)

Overview of Suxamethonium Cl

Suxamethonium (Cl) muscle relaxant. Suxamethonium (Cl) used as an adjunct to anesthesia for surgery. Suxamethonium (Cl) acts by depolarization of muscle end plate, rendering the tissue incapable of responding to the neurotransmitter. itrapid acting and has a short duration of action.

Indication of Suxamethonium Cl

Suxamethonium Cl is primarily indicated in conditions like Muscle relaxation (rapid onset, short duration), Muscular spasm, Neuromuscular blockade, and can also be given in adjunctive therapy as an alternative drug of choice in Anesthesia, Insomnia, Surgery.

Contraindication of Suxamethonium Cl

Suxamethonium (Cl) is contraindicated in conditions like Malignant hyperthermia,Myopathy,Eye injuries.

Side Effects of Suxamethonium Cl

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Suxamethonium (Cl), which give rise to further complications include Increased intragastric pressure, Increased IOP (intraocular pressure).,Suxamethonium (Cl) produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Pulmonary edema, Respiratory depression, Hyperkalemia, Cardiac arrhythmias, Increased intracranial pressure, Myalgia, Pulmonary hemorrhage, Myoglobinemia, Increased intraocular pressure. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Suxamethonium (Cl) therapy.

Precautions of Suxamethonium Cl

Avoid suxamethazone in patients with burns, massive trauma, renal impairment, severe long lasting sepsis and severe hyperkalaemia, sensitivity to drug, eye injury or glaucoma. It should be used with caution in patients with bone fractures, cardiac or respiratory disease. Dose of neuromuscular blocking agent need to be clearly titrated for individual patients according to their response; monitoring of the degree of block is recommended in order to reduce the risk of overdosage. Patients who have received neuromuscular blocker should always have their respiration assisted or controlled until the drug has been inactivated or antagonized.