Detail Drug Information

Procyclidine Hcl (Procyclidine Hcl)

Overview of Procyclidine Hcl

Procyclidine Hcl is antimuscarinic agent. Chemically Procyclidine Hcl is identified as a-cyclohexyl-a-phenyl-1-pyrrolidinepropanol hydrochloride. Procyclidine Hcl is used mostly as a substitute for trihexyphenidyl in the treatment of parkinson's disease.

Indication of Procyclidine Hcl

Procyclidine Hcl is primarily indicated in conditions like Acromegaly, Acute dystonia, Dystonia, Oculogyric crises, Parkinsonism.

Contraindication of Procyclidine Hcl

Procyclidine (HCl) is contraindicated in conditions like Prostatic hypertrophy,Tardive dyskinesias,Intestinal obstruction,Narrow-angle glaucoma.

Side Effects of Procyclidine Hcl

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Procyclidine (HCl), which give rise to further complications include Dizziness, Visual hallucination, Excitement.,Procyclidine (HCl) produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Confusion. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Procyclidine (HCl) therapy.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Procyclidine (HCl) include Blurred vision, Constipation, Dry mouth, Urinary retention, Confusion, Agitation, Restlessness, Visual hallucination.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Procyclidine (HCl) are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Restlessness, Constipation, Dry mouth, Blurred vision, Urinary retensionX, Confusion, Agitation.

Precautions of Procyclidine Hcl

Procyclidine should be used with caution in patients with heart, liver, kidney or obstructive gastrointestinal (GI) diseases. Patient should observe caution while driving or performing other tasks requiring alertness because may impair mental or physical abilities. It should be used with caution in hot weather. Reduce dose or discontinue therapy if loss of appetite or weight occur.