Methyclothiazide (Methyclothiazide)
Overview of Methyclothiazide
Methyclothiazide is an orally effective diuretic and antihypertensive agent of the thiazide group. It increases the urination and reduces the amount of water and sodium retained by the body. The drugs in this class are formally called benzothiadiazide, usually shortened to thiazides. The nature of the hetrocyclic rings and the substitution on these ring may vary among the congeners but all of them retain a unsubstituted sulfonamide group. Development of thiazides and other modern diuretics began when a perceptive physician noticed that patients receiving sulfanilamide, an early antimicrobial agent, developed metabolic acidosis and a very alkaline urine. Careful study revealed that the drug was causing sodium bicarbonate diuresis. The realization that it could be useful diuretic led first to the development of acetazolamide and then to the thiazides.
Indication of Methyclothiazide
Methyclothiazide is primarily indicated in conditions like Diabetes insipidus, Edematous states, Heart failure, Hypercalciuric nephrolithiasis, Hypertension.
Contraindication of Methyclothiazide
Methyclothiazide is contraindicated in conditions like Gout,Maturity onset diabetes,Hypersensitivity.
Side Effects of Methyclothiazide
The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Methyclothiazide, which give rise to further complications include Cholestatic jaundice.,Methyclothiazide produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Hyperkalemia, Agranulocytosis, Thrombocytopenia, Blood dyscrasias, Hyponatremia, Aplastic Anemia, Stevens Johnson syndrome, Anaphylaxis, Acute pancreatitis. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Methyclothiazide therapy.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Methyclothiazide include Hypotension, Coma, Hypokalemia, Lethargy, CNS depression, Hyponatremia, Severe volume depletion.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Methyclothiazide are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Gout, Impotence, Loss of libido, Hyperuricemia, Hyperlipidemia.
Precautions of Methyclothiazide
Methyclothiazide should be used during pregnancy or lactation only if clearly needed. It should be use with caution in patients with gout or diabetes or any allergies especially to sulfa medications. Avoid any drugs that increase heart rate or cause excitation like decongestants (found in cough and cold products) because it may counter-act blood pressure medicine.Thiazide diuretics increase sensitivity to sunlight, avoid prolonged sun exposure, use sunscreen and wear protective clothing.