Detail Drug Information

Lynoestrenol (Lynoestrenol)

Overview of Lynoestrenol

Lynoestrenol is a orally active synthetic nortestosterone derived progestogen (sex hormone), and is used to prevent pregnancy and used in the treatment of uterine bleeding.

Indication of Lynoestrenol


Contraindication of Lynoestrenol

Lynoestrenol is contraindicated in conditions like Myocardial infarction,Pulmonary embolism,Vaginal bleeding,Hepatic disease,Cerebrovascular accident,Vascular disease,Deep vein thrombosis.

Side Effects of Lynoestrenol

The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Lynoestrenol include Nausea, Vomiting, Breast swelling, Mastalgia.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Lynoestrenol are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Nausea, Vomiting, Alopecia, Weight gain, Acne, Changes in libido, Hyperphagia, Breast tenderness, Irregular uterine bleeding, Vaginal secretion, Greasy hair, Reduce vaginal secretion.

Precautions of Lynoestrenol

Chloasma is occasionally seen during the use. Occasionally changes in parameters of liver function, carbohydrate metabolism and heamostatis may occur. The slight signs of the virilization ( such as acne and hirsutism) observed in some patient. Slighty incresed risk of some cardiovascular disorders has been reported. Some forms of severe depression, if likely to be exacerbated by sex steroids.