Detail Drug Information

Beraprost (Beraprost)

Overview of Beraprost

As an analogue of prostacyclin PGI2, beraprost effects vasodilation, which in turn lowers the blood pressure. Beraprost has a benzofuran ether function. This modification increases the plasma half-life from 30 seconds to several hours, and permits the compound to be taken orally. Its molecular formula is C24H29O5.Na.

Indication of Beraprost

Beraprost is primarily indicated in conditions like Primary pulmonary hypertension.

Contraindication of Beraprost

Beraprost is contraindicated in conditions like Pregnancy,Bleeding disorders.

Side Effects of Beraprost

No data regarding the side effects produced by Beraprost is available

Precautions of Beraprost

No data regarding the Warnings/Precuations of Beraprost is available.