Ethisterone (Ethisterone)
Overview of Ethisterone
Ethisterone is a progestogen, the first orally hormone active progestin. Female sex hormone administered in cases of progestrone deficiency also called hydrohydroxy-progestron, pregneninolone.
Indication of Ethisterone
Ethisterone is primarily indicated in conditions like Endometriosis, Gynaecomastia, Menorrhagia.
Contraindication of Ethisterone
No data regarding the contra indications of Ethisterone is available.
Side Effects of Ethisterone
The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Ethisterone, which give rise to further complications include Amenorrhea, Menstrual disturbances, Vaginal dryness, Reduction in breast size.,Ethisterone produces potentially life-threatening effects which include Known Human, Urogenital System. which are responsible for the discontinuation of Ethisterone therapy.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Ethisterone include Headache, Gastrointestinal disturbances, inc or dec blood cell count, Hyperglucagonaemia, Rarely chloestatic jaundice, Elevation of LFT values.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Ethisterone are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Hydrocephaly, Neuraltube defects, Heart defects, Absent thumbs, Ambigous genitalial.
Precautions of Ethisterone
Ethisterone should be used with caution in conditions which may be adversely affected by fluid retention, such as in cardiovascular, hepatic and renal disorder, migraine and epilepsy, it is should be avoided in marked cardiac, hepatic or renal dysfunction. Should used with care in diabets mellitas should not be given to patients with undiagnosed gential bleeding or androgen dependent tumors.