Detail Drug Information

Acrinol (Acrinol)

Overview of Acrinol

it is an organic compound based on acridine. Its formal name is 2-ethoxy-6,9-diaminoacridine monolactate monohydrate. its primary use is an antiseptic and anti bacterial.

Indication of Acrinol

Acrinol is primarily indicated in conditions like Antiseptic, Infected burns, Infected wounds.

Contraindication of Acrinol

No data regarding the contra indications of Acrinol is available.

Side Effects of Acrinol

The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Acrinol are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Vomiting, Fever, Shivering.

Precautions of Acrinol

It should be used with caution in young Childrens and Pregnant womens.