Deferasirox (Deferasirox)
Overview of Deferasirox
Deferasirox belongs to iron chelators family. FDA approved it in November 2005. Deferasirox is the first drug approved in US for oral administration in the treatment of iron overload for anemia for the patients receiving blood transfusions. Iron chelators facilitate the removal of iron by making a bound with iron.
Indication of Deferasirox
Deferasirox is primarily indicated in conditions like Blood transfusion, Chronic iron overload.
Contraindication of Deferasirox
No data regarding the contra indications of Deferasirox is available.
Side Effects of Deferasirox
The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Deferasirox are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Nausea, Vomiting, Diarrhea, Skin rash, Stomach pain.
Precautions of Deferasirox