Detail Drug Information

Snake Venom Antisera (Snake Venom Antisera)

Overview of Snake Venom Antisera

Snake venom antisera is a comlex mixture chiefly of proteins,many of which have enzymatic activity and may provoke local inflammatory reactons.

Indication of Snake Venom Antisera

Snake Venom Antisera is primarily indicated in conditions like Poisoning.

Contraindication of Snake Venom Antisera

Snake Venom Antisera is contraindicated in conditions like Allergy.

Side Effects of Snake Venom Antisera

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Snake Venom Antisera, which give rise to further complications include Urticaria, Arthritic pain, Shock, Anaphylactic reactions.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Snake Venom Antisera are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Dyspnea, Hypotension, Serum sickness.

Precautions of Snake Venom Antisera

Sensitivity testing should be perform before giving antisera. The patient must be kept under observation after administration of full doses of antisera. Adrenaline injection and resuscitation facilities should be available.