Detail Drug Information

Norethandrolone (Norethandrolone)

Overview of Norethandrolone

Norethandrolone is an anabolic steroid . It is given by mouth in the treatment of aplastic anaemia.

Indication of Norethandrolone

Norethandrolone is primarily indicated in conditions like Aplastic anemia, Contraception, Endometriosis.

Contraindication of Norethandrolone

Norethandrolone is contraindicated in conditions like Breast cancer,Cardiovascular disease,Prostate cancer,Pregnancy,Breast feeding.

Side Effects of Norethandrolone

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Norethandrolone, which give rise to further complications include Hepatotoxicity, Hepatotoxicity.,The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Norethandrolone include Nausea, Hepatic damage, Prostate carcinoma, Jaundice, GI disturbances, Jaundice, Cardiovascular disturbances, Psychiatric disturbances, Myocardial infarction, Stroke, Muscular hypertrophy.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Norethandrolone are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Headache, Impotence, Weight gain, Fluid retention, Virilization, GI bleeding, Azoospermia.

Precautions of Norethandrolone

Norethandrolone should be used with extreme care in children because of the masculinising effects and also because premature closure of the epiphyses may occur resulting in inhibited linear growth and small stature. Skeletal maturation should be monitored during therapy. Norethandrolone should be used cautiously in patients with cardiovascular disorders, renal or hepatic impairment, epilepsy, migraine, diabetes mellitus or other conditions which may be aggravated by the possible fluid retention or oedema caused. They should not be given to patients with hypercalcaemia or hypercalciuria, and should be used cautiously in conditions in which there is a risk of these developing such as skeletal metastases. Norethandroloneshould not be given during pregnancy because of the risk of virilisation of the female fetus.