Detail Drug Information

Acefyllin Piperazine (Acefyllin Piperazine)

Overview of Acefyllin Piperazine

It is a derivative of theophylline that has been used for its bronchodialator effect.

Indication of Acefyllin Piperazine

Acefyllin Piperazine is primarily indicated in conditions like Asthma, Bronchitis.

Contraindication of Acefyllin Piperazine

No data regarding the contra indications of Acefyllin Piperazine is available.

Side Effects of Acefyllin Piperazine

No data regarding the side effects produced by Acefyllin Piperazine is available

Precautions of Acefyllin Piperazine

No data regarding the Warnings/Precuations of Acefyllin Piperazine is available.