Sodium Aurothiomalate (Sodium Aurothiomalate)
Overview of Sodium Aurothiomalate
Sodium Aurothiomalate is a gold compound which is among the disease modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs). Sodium Aurothiomalate is used mainly for its anti-inflammatory effect in active progressive rheumatoid arthritis and progressive juvenile chronic arthritis; they may also be beneficial in psoriatic arthritis. They are generally reserved for use as second line drugs in patients whose symptoms are unresposive to or inadequately controlled by NSAIDs alone. Gold compounds suppress and prevent but do not cure arthritis. A patient should be warned to tell doctor immediately if sore throat, fever, infection. unexplained bleeding and bruising, mouth ulcers, skin rashes, edema, and metallic taste develop. If toxicity develops, gold therapy should be discontinued immediately.
Indication of Sodium Aurothiomalate
Sodium Aurothiomalate is primarily indicated in conditions like Reversal of non-depolarisisng neuromuscular blockade, Small cell carcinoma.
Contraindication of Sodium Aurothiomalate
Sodium Aurothiomalate is contraindicated in conditions like Pulmonary fibrosis,Bone marrow aplasia,Haematological disorders,Hypersensitivity to any component of product.
Side Effects of Sodium Aurothiomalate
The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Sodium Aurothiomalate are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Alopecia, Colitis, Mouth ulcers, Hepatotoxicity, Cholestatic Jaundice, Proteinuria, Skin reactionsX, Blood disorders, Pulmonary firbrosis, Nephrotic toxicity.
Precautions of Sodium Aurothiomalate
Sodium aurothiomalate should be administered only to selected patients who are under the supervision of a physician experienced with chrysotherapy and thoroughly familiar with the toxicity and benefits of the drug.Toxic reactions to sodium aurothiomalate are relatively frequent and, in certain cases, may be quite severe. Thus emphasis should be placed on careful clinical and laboratory monitoring and early detection of adverse reactions.