Detail Drug Information

Yellow Fever Vaccine (Yellow Fever Vaccine)

Overview of Yellow Fever Vaccine

A freeze-dried preparation of the strains of yellow fever virus grown in fertilized hen eggs. It is used for active immunization against yellow fever. Immunity is usually established within about 10 days of administration. It is recommended for laboratory workers handling infected material or persons travelling through, or living in areas of infection.

Indication of Yellow Fever Vaccine


Contraindication of Yellow Fever Vaccine

Yellow Fever Vaccine is contraindicated in conditions like Febrile illness,Impaired immune responses,Hypersensitivity.

Side Effects of Yellow Fever Vaccine

The severe or irreversible adverse effects of Yellow Fever Vaccine, which give rise to further complications include Encephalitis.,The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Yellow Fever Vaccine are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Inflammation, Headache, Fever, Myalgia, Lymphangitis.

Precautions of Yellow Fever Vaccine

Vaccination should be postpond in patients suffering from any acute illness. Before injection of a vaccine any alcohol or disinfactant used for cleansing the skin should be allowed to evaporate otherwise inactivation of live vaccine may occur.