Fosphenytoin (Fosphenytoin)
Overview of Fosphenytoin
Fosphenytoin is a prodrug of phenytoin can be given more rapidly and causes fewer injection site reactions, when given intravenously (IV) than phenytoin. It can also be given intramuscularly (IM). Fosphenytoin is used in the treatment of status epilepticus and seizures associated with neurosurgery or head injury; when phenytoin by mouth not possible.
Indication of Fosphenytoin
Fosphenytoin is primarily indicated in conditions like Epilepsy, Head injury, Seizures, Status epilepticus, Trauma.
Contraindication of Fosphenytoin
No data regarding the contra indications of Fosphenytoin is available.
Side Effects of Fosphenytoin
The symptomatic adverse reactions produced by Fosphenytoin are more or less tolerable and if they become severe, they can be treated symptomatically, these include Itching, Burning, Hypotension, Paresthesias.
Precautions of Fosphenytoin
It should be used with care in patients with liver , lungs, heart diseases, blood disorders, severe renal impairment and others in whom phosphate restriction is necessary. Perform blood counts before initiating the therapy. Administer cautiously in the presence of advanced atrioventricular (AV) block. Donot exceed an I/V infusion rate of 150mg/min. Discontinue use if skin rashes appear. Withdrawl of therapy or transition to or from another type of antiepileptic therapy should be made gradually to avoid precipitating an increase in the frequency of seizures.