Detail Drug Information

Senega (Senega)

Overview of Senega

Senega is the dried root of Polygala it, seneca or it snakeroot, a plant of North America. The main consituents of which are polygalic acid and senegenin; expectorant and emetic.

Indication of Senega

Senega is primarily indicated in conditions like Asthma, Bronchitis, Pharyngitis.

Contraindication of Senega

Senega is contraindicated in conditions like Peptic ulcer,Inflammatory bowel disease (unlicensed use),Pregnancy.

Side Effects of Senega

The signs and symptoms that are produced after the acute overdosage of Senega include Emesis, GIT irritation.

Precautions of Senega

Senega should be avoided to patients with intestinal obstruction or with undiagnosed abdominal symptoms. Care should be taken in patients with inflammatory bowl disease. Prolong use should be avoided.