Bees Wax (Bees Wax)
Overview of Bees Wax
Bees Wax is a pharmaceutical aid and used as a stiffening agent in many preparations such as pastes, ointments etc.
Indication of Bees Wax
Bees Wax is primarily indicated in conditions like Gall bladder disease.
Contraindication of Bees Wax
No data regarding the contra indications of Bees Wax is available.
Side Effects of Bees Wax
No data regarding the side effects produced by Bees Wax is available
Precautions of Bees Wax
May produce local irritation manifested by burning sensation in the patients with mucosal defects. If necessary it may diluted (1:1) with lukewarm water. It absorbed from the oral mucosa and excreted mostly unchanged in the urine, a possibility of its systemic action has to be considered in the patient with renal impoairment.